Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A year goes by fast, much faster as I thought! Research, classes, and a couple of conferences kept me from dedicating time to the vocabulary project. But, the updated vocabulary is currently in its final phase of revision. Spellings of entries are checked, corrections are being made, and some new entries are being added. Very soon the updated vocabulary will be available online through Mesoweb. As a sneak preview, above the cover of the vocabulary.


  1. Hi,

    Great to see more blogs and information pertaining the Maya glyphs and the Mayan languages.

    Is there a date set for the release of the Vocabulary?



  2. Wow, that's really impressive. Good job. We share interests in the evolution of writing systems. I might see you at a conference sometime. Thanks for making it available for free online. I wish I could do stuff like this.
