Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Time goes fast, especially when a lot of preparations need to be done. For the workshop "The Inscriptions of Northern Yucatan" at the 14th EMC in Cracow, Poland (November 9-14, 2009), I have prepared a preliminary syllabary of the Chichen Itza inscriptions. A PDF of this syllabary has been posted online at Mesoweb in the section "Chichen Iza Resources." A direct download can be found here. The syllabary has been extended with a couple of additional examples and I hope to have the updated version online next month.
Starting January 2010 I will have a bit more time to direct to posting on this blog.


  1. Hi I teach a class on glyphs at local junior colleges and just found your blog. I have 4 blogs and I know how hard it is to keep up with them. "It seemed a good idea at the time" Ha ha. Anyway, good luck. My Maya blog is
